1997-2000 Corvette Module/BPMV Repair

Repair of your 1997-2000 Chevrolet Corvette EBCM and BPMV assemblies experiencing the C1242/C1243 DTC faults or trouble codes.

This repair requires…

2001-2004 Corvette Delphi/Delco EBCTM Module Repair

Use this selection to repair your Delphi/Delco ABS 5.3 brake and traction control module for the Chevrolet Corvette Typical failures with…

2005-2009 Corvette Delphi/Delco EBCTM Module Repair

Use this selection to repair your Delphi/Delco ABS 5.3 brake and traction control module for the Chevrolet Corvette Typical failures with…

Buick Delphi/Delco EBCTM Module Repair

Use this selection to repair your Delphi/Delco ABS 5.3 brake and traction control module for the Buick. Typical failures with these…

Cadillac Delphi/Delco Brake Module Repair

Use this selection to repair your Delphi/Delco ABS 5.3 brake and traction control module for the Cadillac. Typical failures with these…

Cadillac EBCM Module Repair - C0121

Use this selection to repair your Delphi/Delco with JL brake and traction control module for the Cadillac 2004 to 09…

Dodge Kelsey-Hayes Brake Module Repair

Use this selection to repair your Kelsey/Hayes brake module for the Dodge Trucks and SUVs (1998-2003). Typical failures with these modules…

Ford Kelsey/Hayes Repair

Use this selection to repair your Kelsey/Hayes brake module for the Ford Trucks F-150 - 1999-2004. Typical failures with these modules…

GM Kelsey/Hayes Repair

Use this selection to repair your Kelsey/Hayes brake module for the GM Trucks and SUVs…

Pontiac EBCM Repair

Repair of Pontiac Delphi DBC-7 ABS system beginning in the year 2000. This repair will fix the issue related to the…

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